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About the Federal Infrastructure Permitting Dashboard

The Permitting Dashboard is an online tool for Federal agencies, project developers, and interested members of the public to track the Federal government’s environmental review and authorization processes for large or complex infrastructure projects, part of a government-wide effort to improve coordination, transparency, and accountability.

A major function of this Dashboard is to track infrastructure projects designated as Covered Projects under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41). The Dashboard also provides information on certain projects subject to Titles I, IX, and XI of the FAST Act (DOT projects), as well as other infrastructure projects (see the Projects  link for project-specific information).

Benefits of the Dashboard

  • Enhanced coordination, visibility, and predictability through public reporting of infrastructure project environmental reviews and authorizations and associated timelines on a nationwide platform, while encouraging early coordination and synchronization of agency review schedules.
  • Enhanced accountability by displaying project timelines on a forum easily accessible to the public, project sponsors, and government agencies.
  • As a data source for environmental review and authorization timelines, the Dashboard provides consistent data Federal agencies can use to analyze permit and review practices and identify ways to further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these processes.
  • Proposed infrastructure projects must obtain various permits and environmental reviews to ensure they are designed and constructed in a manner that protects public health, safety, cultural resources, and the environment, and that the public is informed about their potential impacts. Federal permits and reviews safeguard clean water, ensure that projects do not interfere with national defense activities, air or water vessel navigation, or international relations objectives, and safeguard irreplaceable resources such as historic properties, Native American cultural sites, and endangered species. (For a complete list of relevant permits and reviews, see the Federal Permit and Review Inventory.)
  • Although the vast majority of permit decisions and project reviews are completed within a few months, sometimes the process can take several years for projects that are particularly large and complex or that have significant environmental impacts. The enhanced coordination, visibility, and accountability of the Permitting Dashboard allows the nation to realize the benefits of infrastructure investments –such as reduced traffic, increased access to energy, construction jobs, and increased economic activity – while simultaneously safeguarding environmental and community resources, such as increasing the use of landscape-level conservation of watersheds, habitats, and species.

Your role in improving the Permitting Dashboard

The Administration welcomes your feedback on ways this site can be improved. We welcome input on additional features, functionality, and content that would be helpful on the Dashboard. Please send an email to to share your ideas with us.

Last updated: Tuesday, August 27, 2019