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Permitting Action Modification History

EPA completed the final milestone for this action on April 15, 2024, which was in advance of the previously posted current target date of May 22, 2024.  
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 07-22-2022 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 10-20-2022 08-17-2022 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-19-2022 03-21-2023 --- Yes
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-19-2023 04-15-2024 --- Yes
In Progress
The project sponsor provided BOEM notice on June 26, 2023 of plans to initiate onshore construction activities. The notice provided information on their planned work at the Onshore Converter Station and laydown yards (Phase 1A activities, scheduled to start around July 10), and installation of splice vaults and duct banks, and the expansion of an existing substation (Phase 1B activities, scheduled to commence around September). BOEM notified Tribal Nations, cooperating agencies, Section 106 consulting parties, and the project sponsor that BOEM did not have authority over these activities and that onshore construction would be moving forward.  While BOEM does not have authority over these onshore activities, BOEM has a responsibility to analyze impacts from all the proposed onshore activities included within the scope of a project as connected actions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). A Construction and Operations Plan (COP) update was required to move forward with these analyses because the prior COP dated August 18, 2022, did not include enough detailed information regarding the onshore activities. The project sponsor submitted an updated COP to BOEM on September 29, 2023. The updated information was necessary for determining the timeline for concluding the Section 106 process and Record of Decision.  Movement of the ROD is therefore causing movement of this dependent action.
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 07-22-2022 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 10-20-2022 08-17-2022 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-19-2022 03-21-2023 --- Yes
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-19-2023 05-22-2024 --- No
In Progress
Applicant delays caused delay in EPA’s application completeness determination, which shifted final decision milestone date forward according to the one-year statutory deadline under CAA § 165.
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 07-22-2022 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 10-20-2022 08-17-2022 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-19-2022 03-21-2023 --- Yes
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-19-2023 03-21-2024 --- No
In Progress
EPA determined application complete prior to the milestone target date.
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 07-22-2022 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 10-20-2022 08-17-2022 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-19-2022 03-21-2023 --- Yes
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-19-2023 11-17-2023 --- No
 Sponsor delays in complete application submission.
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 07-22-2022 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 10-20-2022 08-17-2022 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-19-2022 03-27-2023 --- No
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-19-2023 11-17-2023 --- No
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 07-22-2022 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 10-20-2022 08-17-2022 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-19-2022 11-17-2022 --- No
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-19-2023 11-17-2023 --- No
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
NOI to apply for an Air Permit submitted (Applicant Action) 09-09-2021 09-09-2021 --- Yes
OCS Air Permit application submitted (Applicant Action) 08-19-2022 08-19-2022 --- No
OCS Air Permit application complete (Applicant Action) 11-17-2022 11-17-2022 --- No
Issuance of final decision/permit approval (Agency Action) 11-17-2023 11-17-2023 --- No