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All dates below are specific to the schedule of the Environmental Review and Permitting processes for this project.

In Progress




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Surface Transportation

Surface Transportation

Project Category

Project Category DOT Projects


California, CalTrans


The County of Riverside Transportation Department, in cooperation with the California
Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8 and the City of Jurupa Valley, proposes to
reconstruct and improve the SR-60/Rubidoux Boulevard interchange located in the City of
Jurupa Valley in northwestern Riverside County. SR-60 is an east-west transportation route
within Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties, and connects the Los Angeles
metropolitan area with southwest San Bernardino and northwest Riverside counties. The western
terminus of SR-60 is located at its junction with the East Los Angeles Interchange, whereas its
eastern terminus is located at the junction with I-10 in Beaumont. It is also a Surface
Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) Route for use by oversized trucks. The segment of SR-60
within the project limits is a divided eight-lane freeway and consists of three mixed-flow lanes
and one High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane in each direction. Based on Caltrans 2013 Traffic
Data, the annual average daily traffic (AADT) volume to the east and west of the interchange is
approximately 150,000.

Rubidoux Boulevard is a northeast-southwest arterial in the City of Jurupa Valley providing
access throughout the northeast portion of the City. ·Per the County of Riverside's General Plan,
Rubidoux Boulevard is classified as a Major Highway. Currently, it is a four-lane roadway with
a two-way left tum lane/median and sidewalks along Rubidoux Boulevard. As Rubidoux
Boulevard crosses SR-60, it has a left-tum lane that serves the westbound (WB) SR-60 on-ramp
from the south, and the eastbound (EB) SR-60 on-ramp from the north. The crossing also has
sidewalks. Rubidoux Boulevard ends at Tiltofl A venue in a residential area near Flabob Airport,
which is located approximately one mile south of the interchange. Additionally, the northeast
end of Rubidoux Boulevard is renamed Cedar A venue as it passes through Crestmore Heights
and continues north into the City of Rialto.

The SR-60/Rubidoux Boulevard Interchange, constructed in 1962, is located on SR-60 between
Valley Way and Market Street. The existing interchange consists of the Rubidoux Boulevard
overcrossing with WB and EB entrance and exit ramps. The Rubidoux Boulevard overcrossing
(PM 09.54, Bridge Number 56-0414) is comprised of the original cast-in-place box girder. The
structure measures approximately 76 feet in width by 278 feet in length spanning over eight
lanes of SR-60 mainline. The bridge has barrier-protected sidewalks in both directions along
Rubidoux Boulevard. The interchange has characteristics similar to Type L-1 tight diamond
interchanges. The existing EB off-ramp terminates at Rubidoux Boulevard, while the EB onramp
shares access with a Frontage Road that also connects to 30th Street. The WB on-ramp
begins at Rubidoux Boulevard while the WB off-ramp terminates at the 30th Street intersection
to the north of the interchange. The WB on-ramp is uncontrolled, while the WB off-ramp and EB
ramps are signal controlled. Existing development in the immediate vicinity of the interchange
includes a Jack in the Box restaurant located on the northwest comer of the interchange, along
with an Arco AM/PM gas station. The northeast comer of the vicinity contains several
restaurants and auto repair shops. There is a Shell gas station located on the southwest comer of
the interchange along with residential apartment buildings. Emerald Meadows Ranch is a
proposed development consisting of retail and residential land uses that is planned for the
southeast comer of the interchange.

Permitting Timetable

The permitting timetable below displays data as reported by agencies. Dates for Environmental Review and Permitting processes (Actions) that are in 'Paused' or 'Planned' status are subject to change and are not indicative of a project's final schedule.

  • For information about extensions, select an Action from the timetable below and select 'View Action Details' at the bottom of the page.
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Overall Project Timetable
Extension or Delay
Ahead of Schedule
No End Date

Action Information

For additional information, please select an Action from the Permitting Timetable above.

  • Action:  
  • Responsible Agency:  
  • Bureau:  
  • Action Status:  
  • SHPO:  
  • Action Identifier:  
  • Action Outcome:  
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Milestone Complete