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FPISC Rebrands as the Permitting Council

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WASHINGTON (March 8, 2024) – Today, the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (Permitting Council) unveiled new branding in advance of next year's 10 year anniversary of the founding of the agency. The agency now has a new name –the Permitting Council– and new tagline, Where Projects See Progress, as it works to transform federal environmental permitting review in order to bring once-in-a-generation infrastructure projects to life.

“In the past nine years we have put in place the building blocks to reimagine federal permitting as we know it, breaking down agency silos, improving coordination and creating a path toward true accountability,” says Eric Beightel, Permitting Council Executive Director. “As we approach our 10th year in existence, we are preparing to take that work to new heights and our new branding approach will play a significant role in articulating our value to stakeholders. We look forward to doubling down on our efforts to bring timely, efficient and transparent federal permitting to all stakeholders.”
The Permitting Council has delivered on its charge to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the federal permitting review process since its inception, providing the coordination needed to get infrastructure projects across sectors through the review process. From renewable energy projects like South Fork Wind, the nation’s first commercial-scale offshore wind farm, to the SunZia Southwest Transmission project, a $1 billion transmission project that is anticipated to transport up to 3,000 megawatts of primarily renewable energy, the work of the Permitting Council is making a difference in federal permitting. The new branding will help make it easier for partners across industry and government to easily identify the federal agency charged with assisting with permitting review accountability.  

The new branding will incorporate a new logo, seal and tagline, in addition to the upcoming release of a new website this spring. Learn more about the projects covered by the Permitting Council on the Federal Permitting Dashboard and follow the Permitting Council on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date on permitting news and announcements. 

About the Permitting Council and FAST-41 

Established in 2015 by Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41), the Permitting Council is a federal agency charged with improving the transparency and predictability of the federal environmental review and authorization process for certain critical infrastructure projects. The Permitting Council is comprised of the Permitting Council Executive Director, who serves as the Council Chair; 13 federal agency council members (including deputy secretary-level designees of the Secretaries of Agriculture, Army, Commerce, Interior, Energy, Transportation, Defense, Homeland Security, and Housing and Urban Development, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Chairs of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation); and the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. 

The Permitting Council coordinates federal environmental reviews and authorizations for projects that seek and qualify for FAST-41 coverage. FAST-41 covered projects are entitled to comprehensive permitting timetables and transparent, collaborative management of those timetables on the Federal Permitting Dashboard. FAST-41 covered projects may be in the renewable or conventional energy production, electricity transmission, energy storage, surface transportation, aviation, ports and waterways, water resource, broadband, pipelines, manufacturing, mining, carbon capture, semiconductors, artificial intelligence and machine learning, high-performance computing and advanced computer hardware and software, quantum information science and technology, data storage and data management, and cybersecurity sectors.  


Last updated: Friday, March 8, 2024