DOT Projects
It is important to note that a project’s inclusion on the Permitting Dashboard does not imply Federal endorsement of or support for the project or create a presumption that a covered project will be approved, favorably reviewed by any agency, or receive Federal funding. The inclusion of a project on the Permitting Dashboard may be reconsidered based on updated information related to, for example, a change in the scope of the Federal environmental review and authorization processes that apply to the project proposal.
*If you are interested in learning more about how to have a project covered under FAST-41, the Permitting Council Office of the Executive Director encourages you to engage with their office in pre-application consultations. Email for more information. To learn more about Fast-41 covered projects, please visit the Permitting Council’s new website at
Classifications of projects that are contained within the Federal Infrastructure Permitting Dashboard:
- FAST-41 Covered Projects: Projects Identified as Covered Projects under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
- Transparency Projects: Projects directed by the Executive Director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council to be posted on the Dashboard in the interests of transparency.
- DOT Projects: Department of Transportation (DOT) projects subject to Titles I, IX, and XI of the FAST Act
- Other Projects: Other projects tracked on the Permitting Dashboard
The full project data set and a pre-filtered report created from the full project data set is now available in the Permitting Dashboard Data Portal to download project and timeline information.
The infrastructure projects below are DOT projects subject to Titles I, IX, and XI of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.
Title | Agency | Sector | Status |
0719000373 - LA-110 BRIDGE RAIL UPGRADE | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress |
0720000028 - LA 5 - Construct LIght Rail Transit | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Public Transportation | In Progress |
0720000152 - LA-110, Upgrade Bridge Railing, Construct retaining wall | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress |
0720000165 - LA-14, Capacity Improvement/Lane Drops Elimination | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress |
0800000190 - IC IMPROVEMENTS AT I-10/CHERRY VALLEY BLVD | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
0812000067 - 0R380 BRIDGE REHABILITATION AND/OR REPLACEMENT | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
0815000228 - 1G400 - INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress |
0816000090 - Riverside County, SR10 -REHABILITATE 22 miles of mainline pavement, shoulders, and ramps. | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
0816000177 - Riverside County-I-10, REPLACE EXISTING ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
0817000239 - 0F543 EXPRESS LANES NORTH DIRECT CONNECTOR (NDC) | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
0818000209 - 0F544 ADD A WESTBOUND LANE TO SR-91 BETWEEN SR-241 AND GREEN | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
0821000112 - 1M260 - REPAIR 41 CULVERTS ON SR-173 AND 18 CULVERTS ON SR-1 | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress |
1-405/1-110 Operational Improvement | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress |
1012000316 - MERCED BRIDGES SEISMIC RESTORATION | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
1021000012 - San Joaquin County SR88 - STRUCTURAL SECTION REPAIR | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
1118000084 - SD-76 Culvert Rehab (Priority #15) | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
1118000099 - Imperial County - SR-111 Collision Reduction | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
1119000214 - 11-43100x - ADA Standalone | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Cancelled |
1120000086 - SR-15 Operational improvements | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |
1121000214 - I-5/Harbor Drive Connected Corridor | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete |