All Projects
It is important to note that a project’s inclusion on the Permitting Dashboard does not imply Federal endorsement of or support for the project or create a presumption that a covered project will be approved, favorably reviewed by any agency, or receive Federal funding. The inclusion of a project on the Permitting Dashboard may be reconsidered based on updated information related to, for example, a change in the scope of the Federal environmental review and authorization processes that apply to the project proposal.
*If you are interested in learning more about how to have a project covered under FAST-41, the Permitting Council Office of the Executive Director encourages you to engage with their office in pre-application consultations. Email for more information. To learn more about Fast-41 covered projects, please visit the Permitting Council’s new website at
Classifications of projects that are contained within the Federal Infrastructure Permitting Dashboard:
- FAST-41 Covered Projects: Projects Identified as Covered Projects under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
- Transparency Projects: Projects directed by the Executive Director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council to be posted on the Dashboard in the interests of transparency.
- DOT Projects: Department of Transportation (DOT) projects subject to Titles I, IX, and XI of the FAST Act
- Other Projects: Other projects tracked on the Permitting Dashboard
The full project data set and a pre-filtered report created from the full project data set is now available in the Permitting Dashboard Data Portal to download project and timeline information.
Title | Agency | Sector | Status | Category |
0719000373 - LA-110 BRIDGE RAIL UPGRADE | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress | DOT Projects |
0720000028 - LA 5 - Construct LIght Rail Transit | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Public Transportation | In Progress | DOT Projects |
0720000152 - LA-110, Upgrade Bridge Railing, Construct retaining wall | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress | DOT Projects |
0720000165 - LA-14, Capacity Improvement/Lane Drops Elimination | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress | DOT Projects |
0800000190 - IC IMPROVEMENTS AT I-10/CHERRY VALLEY BLVD | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
0812000067 - 0R380 BRIDGE REHABILITATION AND/OR REPLACEMENT | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
0815000228 - 1G400 - INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress | DOT Projects |
0816000090 - Riverside County, SR10 -REHABILITATE 22 miles of mainline pavement, shoulders, and ramps. | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
0816000177 - Riverside County-I-10, REPLACE EXISTING ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
0817000239 - 0F543 EXPRESS LANES NORTH DIRECT CONNECTOR (NDC) | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
0818000209 - 0F544 ADD A WESTBOUND LANE TO SR-91 BETWEEN SR-241 AND GREEN | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
0821000112 - 1M260 - REPAIR 41 CULVERTS ON SR-173 AND 18 CULVERTS ON SR-1 | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress | DOT Projects |
1-405/1-110 Operational Improvement | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | In Progress | DOT Projects |
1012000316 - MERCED BRIDGES SEISMIC RESTORATION | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
1021000012 - San Joaquin County SR88 - STRUCTURAL SECTION REPAIR | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
1118000084 - SD-76 Culvert Rehab (Priority #15) | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
1118000099 - Imperial County - SR-111 Collision Reduction | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
1119000214 - 11-43100x - ADA Standalone | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Cancelled | DOT Projects |
1120000086 - SR-15 Operational improvements | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |
1121000214 - I-5/Harbor Drive Connected Corridor | California, CalTrans | Surface Transportation, Highways | Complete | DOT Projects |